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Syaoran and Sakura in the Anime & Manga, Tsubasa Reservoir ChronicleSyaoran and Sakura in the Anime & Manga, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Episode #6

Uncried Tears

This is it! The Hanshin finale! Everything somes to a head in this episode as Shougo and Syaoran finally battle with their Kudans in front of Hanshin Castle.
All the players are present with the exception of Sakura who is still unconcious and the location of the feather is about to be revealed if you havn't figured out where it is yet.
The battle is rather impressive with well animated energy blasts and falling debri from the Hanshin Castle. We even see Syaoran get almost drowned before Rayearth envelops him in a fire-sphere and flies him out of the water! Very nice to see!

As the battle rages on, Masayoshi who had been helping Primera on top of the castle realises that he wants to be as strong as Syaoran and risks his life to make sure Primera doesn't fall off the roof. His kudan sees this and grows to an enormous size, dwarfing everything in the area. Mokona realises, a little too late, that Masayoshi's Kudan is the one with the feather, not Shougo's! The Kudan picks up Masayoshi but suddenly becomes enraged due to the feather's massive power and begins to fire huge fireballs at the city!

While everyone talks about how it'll be impossible to stop the Kudan, Syaoran decides that he must get the feather and as long as he has a mission, he will never die. He summons Rayearth whom he gets on and they both fly to Masayoshi's Kudan. As soon as Syaoran sees Sakura's feather glowing in the Kudan's chest he leaps off of Rayearth and dives right into the Kudan!

Blue flames errupt and surround Syaoran, but despite the heart, he plunges on towards the feather. Suddenly though, Masayoshi kneels down in pain. It appears that he feels the same pain his Kudan feels. He pleads to Syaoran not to stop however and after a slight hesitation, Syaoran grabs the feather and everything blacks out. They all wake up moments later with Shougo's Kudan raining down water to put out the fires and with Syaoran holding Sakura's feather. Masayoshi's Kudan has reverted to it's original size.

Later that night, Syaoran returns his first captured feather to Sakura who slowly wakes up but doesn't realise who Syaoran is. Syaoran is shocked initially but then explains the situation to her, i.e. who she is and why they're traveling together. Fay starts to introduce everyone and Syaoran leaves to have some time alone. Later Kurogane and Fay see him standing in the rain, possibly crying, possibly not. The three Rune Gods are summoned and lend shelter to Syaoran in a beautifully painted panning single shot.

Elsewhere, in a dark world, the mysterious villian claims that he will get the power to traverse worlds.

The next day, the whole gang, including Masayoshi and Shougo are eating Okonomiyaki in celebration. Everyone seems very happy and Shougo invites Masayoshi to join his gang. Masayoshi of course accepts his offer.
Later, everyone is in their original clothes which they arrived in Hanshin in and are prepared to leave. Arashi and Sorata have also joined the croud to say their farewells. Mokona powers up, swallows Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane and Fay and jumps into the portal.

As they're travelling through limbo (in Mokona's stomache!) the three Rune Gods leave the gang and head back to Hanshin. Syaoran thanks them.

Sakura looks very scared and says she is to Syaoran. He comforts her and they all continue on to the next world.

My Original Impression

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The episode just finished airing here in Japan 2 minutes ago and as it did, so did Tsubasa's first story arc! That's right! The Hanshin arc is now over and they finished it in great style with inspiring music (though no new cues), the best animation so far in a series (Sakura's waking scene in particular was A+!) and more closure concerning Hanshin than the manga gave (i.e. revisiting Toya and Yuki, etc).

These episodes keep getting better and next week's looks like it'll blow us away with one of the more interesting arcs from the manga in a heavily asian influenced world. This will be particularily interesting as the anime seems to have more of an asian feel than the manga via some music cues (the title screen for example).

Can't wait for more!

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